The Danish farmer, Poul Sørensen at Todbjerg Overgaard in Eastern Jutland had for several years experienced problems with waterlogging on some of his fields. Especially the fields that were placed next to a creek were often flooded during the autumn season. This resulted in severe difficulty establishing crops as it was nearly impossible to drive on the field.
He contacted his local machine station and they brought a HE-VA Sub-Tiller for the job.
With a 5 meter Sub-Tiller like this, the field was subsoiled at the same time as seeding, spreading fertiliser and snail poison - all in one pass. The result is a strong rape field that, despite massive amount of rain in the autumn, looks very good and Poul Sørensen is very content with the result of the tillseeding,
"I benefitted greatly from the tillseeding last autumn, where we experienced massive rain, as the field were now well drained due to the fact that we have loosened the the plow pan. It has also been very easy for me to drive in the field as there are no soft spots anywhere, he says.
Poul Sørensen has established some of his rape field using tillseeding and some using a rotor harrow and he has noticed a remarkable difference between the two. After a warm and dry spring and early summer period, the tillseeded rape had a longer flowering period than the rape that was established using a rotor harrow, which is often an indication of the rape having developed large roots and therefore has had access to water for a long period of time.
Poul Sørensen at Todbjerg Overgaard is very happy with the results so far and says,
” I am very enthusiastic and I am definately considering tillseeding for next season also.”
Learn more about till-seeding here
Here is Poul Soerensen in one of his rape fields.