Double Spring-Board

Double Spring-Board

The leveling board for extra efficient leveling of the surface

A double (2-row) Spring-Board efficiently levels the surface and crushes all clods, before packing the surface afterwards.

The working depth of the Spring-Board og thereby, the amount of soil that needs levelling, is adjusted hydraulically by turning the Spring-Board. This way, the leveling effect can be adjusted when driving in the field and it can therefore be adjusted to work in both light and heavy soil types.

A double Spring-Board comes in 3 different shapes:

  1. Double Spring-Board consisting of regular 150 mm tines
  2. Harrow-Spring-Board consisting of one row of regular 150 mm tines and a row of harrow tines
  3. Double Spring-Board with 2 rows of longfinger tines

1. 150 mm Spring-Board tines


Mounting a double Spring-Board with 150 mm tines will increase the leveling effect and contribute to a good packing process, once the roller rings get to work.

Mounting a double Spring-Board with 150 mm tines will increase the leveling effect and contribute to a good packing process, once the roller rings get to work.

2. Harrow-Spring Board


If you need to process the soil before packing it, the harrow-Spring-Board is the solution. The front row of harrow tines loosen the soil and the next row of Spring-Board tines evens the surface and crushes clods before the surface is packed.

If you need to process the soil before packing it, the harrow-Spring-Board is the solution. The front row of harrow tines loosen the soil and the next row of Spring-Board tines evens the surface and crushes clods before the surface is packed.

3. Spring-Board with longfinger tines


Long-finger tines are suitable for a slight loosing of the surface, leveling og damages from wheels and molehills. The long-finger tines have also proved very efficient for distribution of plant residues after the harrow and for loosening and distributing withered grass during consolidation of grassland in the spring season.

Long-finger tines are suitable for a slight loosing of the surface, leveling og damages from wheels and molehills. The long-finger tines have also proved very efficient for distribution of plant residues after the harrow and for loosening and distributing withered grass during consolidation of grassland in the spring season.

4. Spring-Board with HARROW tines


2 rows of harrow tines 65x12 mm ensure better harrowing of soil and thus leaves a more finely divided surface

2 rows of harrow tines 65x12 mm ensure better harrowing of soil and thus leaves a more finely divided surface

Equipment for double Spring-Board

Slicing plates for hard soil types

Instead of the regular tines, the Spring-Board can be equipped with slicing plates that efficiently breaks the surface and crushes clods in heavy soil types. These tines can, just as the regular tines, be adjusted hydraulically to increase og reduce the aggressiveness.

Instead of the regular tines, the Spring-Board can be equipped with slicing plates that efficiently breaks the surface and crushes clods in heavy soil types. These tines can, just as the regular tines, be adjusted hydraulically to increase og reduce the aggressiveness.

Increase leveling effect with locking system

The Spring-Board tines can without a problem work individually, but the levelling effect can also be increased by locking the individual tines together. This transforms the tines to one big leveling board.

The Spring-Board tines can without a problem work individually, but the levelling effect can also be increased by locking the individual tines together. This transforms the tines to one big leveling board.


The Easy-Change system makes it quick and easy to change the tines on the Spring-Board. The Easy-Change kit consists of a set of flat wearing points and a set of wearing plates 3 tines.

The Easy-Change system makes it quick and easy to change the tines on the Spring-Board. The Easy-Change kit consists of a set of flat wearing points and a set of wearing plates 3 tines.

Edge equipment

Edge equipment can be mounted on outside of the Spring-Board and prevents edges between the individual passes.

Edge equipment can be mounted on outside of the Spring-Board and prevents edges between the individual passes.