Ny HE-VA tromle - Tip-Roller XL

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

New Tip-Roller XL

Tillage is becoming more efficient

The fact that the farms become bigger and bigger combined with a tough global competition, it has become more necessary than ever to maintain high productivity. This has increased the demand for bigger, multi-functional farm machines. Previously, it was often necessary to process the field more than once in order to roll, level and process the soil before you could sow the crops and this either required a big lot of farm machines or you would have to rent machines for the job.

The new HE-VA Tip-Roller XL meets the demand for increased working width as well as the need to handle more tasks in one pass. Tip-Roller XL is an expansion of the current Tip-Roller range that until now has had a maximum width of 10,2 m.,whereas this new model comes in working widths of 12,3 m. og 15,3 m. The new Tip-Roller XL is also equipped with a weight transfer system that hydraulically transfers the weight from the main frame, wheel and folding mechanism to the side sections. This way, the roller is able to follow the contours of the field and the result is a more level and even consolidation in the entire working width of the roller.

Several tasks can be combined with new XL roller

The new Tip-Roller XL can also be expanded with a leveling board - the HE-VA Spring-Board. The Spring-Board crushes clods and enables you to pack the soil, level it and prepare for a seedbed in only one pass. The angle and working depth of the Spring-Board is hydraulically adjusted from the tractor cabin, so the driver is able to adjust the machine for the current soil conditions.

Optimal transport

Even though the new XL roller from HE-VA is bigger doesn't mean that it takes up more place during transport. Tip-Roller XL can be folded into a transport width of only 3 m. and in folded position, the weight is placed on the side sections between the tractor and the wheels of the roller, which stabilises the construction on the road.

HE-VA Tip-Roller XL roller

Learn more about Tip-Roller XL here